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Let's go way back in time... to high school.  In those hallowed halls of public school, between second and third period and sometimes at lunch my best friend and I would trade a sparkly blue notebook back and forth.  Now, I realize the notebook was an ongoing vision board but back then it was our escape from reality.  The notebook was an intense, scientific study of two islands and it's inhabitants: Nancyland and Heatherland.  I will spare my friend the embarrassment of revealing what was on her island (Gavin Rossdale) and instead share what was on mine.  It consisted me, in a bikini, prancing around with the latest surfer/film star/tanman.

​The island fantasy was hard to shake - it got me through many boring desk jobs, until I finally decided to create it myself. Coco Cabana is a shopping destination where everyone can have a little escape.  My passion is to create a space that will take you away for a moment... or forever.  You can definitely get some shopping done for an upcoming trip or festival, but you can also watch the waves through the beach cam links or read the Knockers Up blog for some travel inspiration.  

In addition, a portion of Coco Cabana profits are donated to specific charities because bikinis should make everyone happy in one way or another.    

​I hope you enjoy your experience here - like we both enjoy the feel of the sand on our feet and the sun on our face - no matter where you might be. 

​Coconuts and cocktails,


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